Did you catch our FREE webinar series?

Did you catch our FREE webinar series?

What a month we have had here at International Trade Matters!

Throughout July our team of specialists hosted 6 exciting and useful webinars covering a wide range of subjects. 

We were really pleased to see attendees from all over the world, and in many different industries, some old faces and some new.

N.B. to watch any of the webinars below, simply pop you email address in the box to unlock the content. You’ll be signing up to our mailing list if you’re not already subscribed, but you can unsubscribe at any time!

Agile Agents & Dedicated Distributors

Firstly, Export Specialist Frances Fawcett hosted a webinar on working effectively with agents and distributors.  Frances explained 10 steps that you can take to identify & establish mutually beneficial relationships to grow your busines overseas.

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The Importance of Incoterms

Shortly after Frances hosted another webinar on the importance of incoterms.  If you are trading internationally, you are using incoterms… whether directly or by using a freight forwarder and Frances explained their importance to the transportation of the goods you buy and sell overseas highlighting some of the areas where this can go wrong.

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Using PR to Drive Export Sales

Next up was Global PR Specialist Kevin Kelway on using PR to drive export sales.  This webinar was really interesting as Kevin showed his expertise and experience in showing the attendees how using international PR can drive export sales for your business and will help to move from Covid-19 Crisis to PR business recovery.

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Duty Drivers: Tariffs, Origin & Valuation

On the 20th July, Export Compliance Specialist Mike Court discussed how fundamental it is for importers or exporters to understand the three main Customs Duty Drivers:  Customs valuation, the origin of the products being traded and the tariff classification.  Understanding these is fundamental for any, and all dealings in international trade.

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Accessing New Markets

Linda Middleton-Jones, Managing Director and founder of International Trade Matters hosted the next webinar based on Accessing New Markets.  This webinar was perfect for any proactive exporter or company who has a determined plan to grow their sales through new markets.

Lean Supply Chain Resilience

Finally, on Thursday 30th our Global Lean Six Sigma Specialist Sami Caglar delivered an in-depth look at lean supply chain resilience.  We talked about extended Global Lean Supply Chains, the stages of resilience during crisis and the options that can be built into supply chains, considering capabilities vs. vulnerabilities.

(video coming soon)

Each of the webinars held a question and answer session at the end, and it was a great chance to hear about the problems and concerns that we are all facing in this uncertain time.

Following this huge success, planning is already underway for the next series!

To make sure you hear about upcoming events and webinars, be sure to sign up and check our monthly newsletter and e-bulletins.