Introducing Peter Cashin, International Business Development Specialist

Introducing Peter Cashin, International Business Development Specialist

Peter joins International Trade Matters after twenty-five years in global sales and business development.

An engineer by training he became Managing Director of UK and German based companies. After periods in manufacturing management, he became Commercial Director and then Managing Director, where he focussed on portfolio and geographic business growth where 75% of revenues came from outside of the UK.

Peter Cashin, International Business Development Specialist

He says; “Whether youโ€™re a Brexiteer or a Remainer the UK now requires industry to move ahead with its economic growth strategy and develop the global reach for its world class products and to breathe new life into its export activity.”

Peter compares getting started in international trade to the developmental stages of his grandchildren, explaining:

Taking their first and next steps are key stages:

  • Before setting off they check their extended environment, and seek attention and advice from their parents
  • They consider the risks and decide whether to roll, crawl, toddle or walk
  • Then they make their move, itโ€™s inevitable if they are to grow and develop, and they do it under the guidance of a number of experts, their mums, dads and family to avoid too many slips

International trade can be a complex and challenging environment and taking the first steps can seem a bit of a minefield. International Trade Matters Ltd have a significant resource of experts in legal, tax, and export procedures which can help in the process development. They have now added practical expertise in the howโ€™s and whyโ€™s of international business development, specifically sales.”

Peter provides first-hand expertise in the development of global routes to market.

Prior to working in the healthcare sector, he sold electronic sensors into heavy industry in UK, EU, USA. He then moved into roles in manufacturing, establishing a brown field site which became the centre of excellence for R&D and medtech devices. 

Sales and marketing were a key element in the business development and international trade was a key element. He helped establish offices in Germany, USA, Latin America and Singapore which were used to service a global distribution network covering 38 countries.

 Peter provides experience in: 

  • Sales and market development
  • Subsidiary management 
  • Office development 
  • Distribution management 
  • Quality and regulatory demands in the export world 
  • Risk management in the global market 

“We are here to help, to develop your knowledge and skills in export matters and to lead you through the decision and risk assessment processes that are essential to doing successful business in the global marketplace. If you require training, assistance in developing strategy or in global or targeted sales roll out then we can help.”

To get in touch with Peter, contact us using the form below:

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