What is AEO status? Should I have it?

What is AEO status? Should I have it?

What type of company does AEO apply to?

AEO status is an internationally recognised quality mark that shows your company is efficient in meeting UK and EU standards and that your international supply chain is secure.  You will already have registered for an EORI number and have defined and documented processes and procedures.  It is designed for companies that are based in the UK or within the EU that trade internationally, there is no restriction based on the size or type of company that apply

Authorisation gives a company quicker access to some simplified customs procedures and, in some cases, the right to โ€˜fast-trackโ€™ shipments through some customs and safety and security procedures.

There are three types of status: – AEO, AEOC and AEOS

Take a look at the decision tree to see if you should be thinking about AEO status.

Do you need AEO status? Follow the decision tree to work out what’s best for your company. International Trade Matters can provide everything you need to get started and guide you on your journey to AEO status

Talk to International Trade Matters โ€“ we can guide you through the process and through to AEO award.

Find more AEO resources HERE