What are tariffs, and how might current political shifts and protectionism affect international trade in the short and long-term?
What are tariffs, and how might current political shifts and protectionism affect international trade in the short and long-term?
Beginning in 2025, new streamlined processes will revolutionise how traders operate by significantly reducing the information required for moving goods directly from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
Steel traders should be aware of the regulations that prohibit the import of goods into the UK and the associated criteria as well as the HS codes affected.
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Paul Walters, International Trade Compliance specialist shares his insight on making those all-important overseas trips
Tariff classification is a process of determining the correct code number for your goods to have them accurately recorded. The key uses are for statistical purposes at import or export.
British manufactured goods are recognised across the world, instruments of economic wealth and global status. The country has made its mark.
Shipping, customs, tariffs, and novel food regulations are just some of the added obstacles UK CBD manufacturers and suppliers now face.
In the UK, excise duty is considered as an indirect tax which …
International Trade Compliance Specialist, Mike Court explains some of the important considerations behind export licensing controls.