What’s happening in September

What’s happening in September

Welcome back to the new “term” for those of you who have had a summer holiday…we are starting off this next section of the year with a bang!

Our regular British Chambers of Commerce training courses are already looking really popular with additional dates being added for some courses.

Methods of Payment on the 20th September for example, the perfect course for personnel in several areas of the business – from accounts, to sales, despatch to purchasing.  During the course our Specialist Trainer Mike will be covering the five main types of payment used for International Trade along with an examination of the documents required, security, what can go wrong and sources of help and advice.

The next Global Trade Blueprint programme cohort is starting on 13thย September – we still have a space left if you are a business leader who would like to give your business a boost whilst ensuring capacity for international development.

International Trade Webinars

As if this wasn’t enough, we also have two webinars running with London Chamber of Commerce:

On the 12th September Frances Fawcett will be delivering “What the EU IOSS Means for eCommerce Sellers” and on the 26th September Mike Court will be delivering the always popular “Export Licensing” webinar.

These webinars are always very highly attended so be sure to book your place soon!