Don’t get stuck in the global PR parallel universe

Don’t get stuck in the global PR parallel universe

When promoting your brands on the international stage, it’s important not to get stuck in the global parallel universe of PR and marketing dimensions.

Kevin Kelway, International Public Relations Specialist explains…

The reality is far easier if you work with international specialists that will work with you on a day-to-day, or week-to-week basis.

We’re not content to see your business as a hypothetical self-contained plane of existence, but looking to shape and expand your horizons in the global marketplace.

At International Trade Matters our specialists work across continents – and now more than ever with the Brexit clock ticking in early 2020 – we are on the ground and in the โ€˜multiverseโ€™.

We are used to running international consumer and business-to-business campaigns, working with small SMEs, or big brands, ITM is rich in expertise to support your business needs.

Our specialists NEVER FORGET, the importance of good old fashion communication skills with clients to get the best response for our clientsโ€™ and partners.

Hereโ€™s a few essential PR, marketing, and digital tips from ITM for your Brexit media menu list:

  1. Bring in professional specialists
  2. Creativity that scales your success
  3. Local knowledge in export markets
  4. Lead, follow up, and flex your marketing and PR muscles

International Trade Matters will facilitate strategy, support campaigns, create case studies, and especially short and snappy video features.

Weโ€™ll create media tool-kits, best practice sharing, and provide day-to-day support for businesses.

We can work in-house, or, as part of your media and marketing team.

We can also help to flex those brand awareness muscles in dynamic markets, and our team of specialists can help with all sorts of business development advice and much more.

For more information or to set up an exploratory meeting, please contact us today!

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