What’s in a relationship?

What’s in a relationship?

Relationship building and management is still a key factor in International Trade and Business Development.

According to International Business Development Consultant, Peter Cashin

The UK remains the sixth largest economy in the world with 3.3%* of Global nominal GDP , which means that there is 96.7% left for export orientated UK companies to target over the coming years. The UKโ€™s stature in the world remains strong and the government continues to develop strong political relationships with established and developing trade partners. UK Businesses are encouraged to develop successful trading relationships with these trading partners and grow their businesses and the UK economy.

Market assessment & entry strategy is key

For UK companies new to International Trade it is crucial to get a formal understanding of the potential pros and cons of moving into export territories in order to avoid costly slip ups and delays to roll out programs. Practical and technical advice should be a prerequisite prior producing a market plan and absolutely essential prior to market plan roll out.

International Trade Matters Ltd (ITM), provides UK companies with high quality professional advice in practical and technical/legal matters which can guide companies through their first steps into the export sector.

People buy from people, and letโ€™s not forget it!

International business processes have changed tremendously over the past five years with the introduction of communication technologies which became widely adopted during the pandemic. Establishing good relationships and trust with customers, agents and employees is a major part of the success factor in ongoing business development. This, together with the correct documentation and support infrastructure are what is now expected in the global market. โ€˜People buy from peopleโ€™ and knowing and trusting your overseas representative is essential for you and your employees and equally important for them to know they have product service and support in place from trusted Principals. ITM can help in this area by providing advice from people who have โ€˜done it beforeโ€™. This can include selection of sales model, roll out planning, to supply and support agreements, we have the knowledge that can be transferred to you and your employees.

Advice and support.

Peter Cashin, as International Business Development Consultant for ITM has worked for 25 years producing strategic development plans and  establishing sales offices, distributors, and agents around the world. Ensuring the right people are in position with a sound, rational plan, with sufficient resource is key to ensuring success factors are met. ITM are always on hand to provide technical support from concept to roll out. If you would like to discuss options for assistance with Peter please make contact below.

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    *Source, Parliament UK 2023 -PPP =2.34%