What are tariffs, and how might current political shifts and protectionism affect international trade in the short and long-term?
What are tariffs, and how might current political shifts and protectionism affect international trade in the short and long-term?
Beginning in 2025, new streamlined processes will revolutionise how traders operate by significantly reducing the information required for moving goods directly from Great Britain to Northern Ireland
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The UK government is providing for a trade solution which will bring productivity and cost savings to all businesses involved in international trade.
Tariff classification is a process of determining the correct code number for your goods to have them accurately recorded. The key uses are for statistical purposes at import or export.
From 1st January 2022, traders need to implement changes to tariff codes. Failure to record the correct 2022 classification code on customs entries will result in your goods being rejected by HMRC
In the UK, excise duty is considered as an indirect tax which …
International Trade Compliance Specialist, Mike Court explains some of the important considerations behind export licensing controls.
In order to create a full export and/or import declaration, the customs invoice should contain: Gross and net weight of goods, values and currencies by HS code (Tariff code), Origin of goods by HS code and your EORI number.
Intrastat returns are a mandatory task for companies who move goods from UK to the EU (subject to value thresholds). It enables the UK authorities and the EU to track trade between countries for statistical purposes.