Looking at a completed Export House will allow you to identify if you need help with any particular export building block. You may need a complete programme, in which case we can help plan this over a week, or over a period of single days, whatever suits you best. Getting your company up to export speed is what we do. Working with your key decision makers on a one to one basis right down to a one to many grass roots level.
The building blocks of the Export House
1. Define Foundation: Establish Capability & Capacity
Setting in place your foundation is crucial to your future success in international trade. If you don’t have the capacity, capability or competency within your business to meet potential orders then you could fail at the first hurdle. Outlining and refining your production or service processes before you begin gives your company the edge to succeed.
2. Define Export Strategy: Internal Implementation
Getting the right people involved and engaged is another crucial aspect of success. Your employees need to share and define the vision. Working in house to create the strategy will ensure ownership and direction. Full engagement is key and cannot be undervalued. Our job is to bring together a comprehensive export plan designed by and for your business that is fit for purpose and fit for the future.
3. Identify Markets: Research & Discover
If you know where you want to go you will need to consider if it will be practical fits your short and long term growth aspirations? Identifying the right market for your product or service must be aligned to the previous building block of capability and capacity. It is counterproductive to try and create a demand in a new country when you have not assessed the entry costs, market conditions, terms of business, logistics etc.etc.
4. Create Marketing Strategy: Internationalise
Identifying routes to market will depend on the market you approach. Certainly you will need an integrated marketing plan that combines the traditional and the newest technological platforms. The messaging and the brand may need to be customised to appeal to new markets. Your product or service may need to be adapted, the language and approach must be relevant and fit for the marketplace.
5. Establish Internal Processes: Train & Support
Your company needs to ensure that those directly involved in the export process are prepared to deal with the documentation necessary for successful exporting. Your financial functionality will change, meaning that marketing, finance and export departments all need to be aligned. Creating simple process templates will create an efficiency that will reap its own rewards.
6. Implement & Sustain: Mentor & Refer
Once your company is an effective and successful exporter it is vitally important to keep abreast of changes to legislation or regulations. Having a mentor that can advise your company of those changes or technical challenges keeps your exporting function running smoothly and ready and able for more opportunities.
The Export House Building Block is available in discrete and separate modules or, as a whole programme.
Contact us for more information and a quotation