Brexit – implications for the Aerospace and Defence sectors

Brexit – implications for the Aerospace and Defence sectors

Brexit - implications for the Aerospace and Defence sectors


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


PwC Bristol
2 Glass Wharf, Bristol, BS2 0FR

Event Type

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  • When: Monday 21 May, 17:30 (18:00 start) – 20:00
  • Where: PwC Bristol, 2 Glass Wharf, BS2 0FR
  • Focus: Brexit – implications for the Aerospace and Defence sectors

Our Leaders Events aim to bring together current and future leaders from across the Aerospace & Defence sectors, both public and private. It provides a forum to debate key topics of interest, explore fresh insights and different perspectives and to build on common ground.

The subject for the next event on 21 May event will be Brexit and the potential implications both regionally and nationally.

During the evening we aim to bring some of our broader industry insights together with Aerospace & Defence public and private sector perspectives to explore and understand the potential challenges and opportunities.

After a short welcome and opening address from the PwC team we will be joined by external speakers who will give sector and regional perspectives. The keynote address will be given by Michael Moore, former Secretary of State for Scotland, and now special adviser to PwC.

We will conclude the formal part of the evening with a plenary discussion and plan to finish by 20:00. Afterwards there will be time for you to informally network and meet people from across the Aerospace & Defence community.

Please RSVP to Tracey Slater by email to:, or by telephone on: 0117 3092197

More info HERE