What’s going on in November?

What’s going on in November?

With October now behind us, there is no time to rest for the Team at International Trade Matters.  We have a jam packed selection of BCC accredited training courses lined up to help keep you informed and up to date about the current international trade compliance and procedures required to successfully import and export your products around the globe. Here are just a few examples:

Documentary Letters of Credit – 16th November

We have seen a large increase in the number of companies around the UK that are now being asked to complete Letters of Credit on a regular basis.  Did you know there are 8 main types of Letters of Credit? And that over 75% of first submissions are rejected?  That is a high percentage which could without doubt result in late payments, late deliveries and additional costs to exporters.  So make sure you have a clear understanding and sign up for this half day, online course.

Agents and Distributors – 17th November

Agents and Distributors… they are one and the same aren’t they? No!  There are clear differences between them, and this introduction course will not only cover the differences, but the advantages and disadvantages for both and an introduction to the legal implications.  If you are responsible for developing your business overseas this interesting and useful course is for you. 

Inward and Outward Processing – 30th November

Sneaking in to the last day of November is another course that we hope will give you the knowledge to help save you costs if you transport goods in or out of the UK for maintenance or processing.  Inward and Outward Processing Relief can help companies to make significant cost savings, but there are important things to be aware of – using correct commodity codes, documentation – would Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status be beneficial… sign up for this online course to find out more.

Our full list of training courses for November are available on our training calendar: